April 2021 – OnCom Club Meeting – Webinar-Adam Batstone and Ryan Carson

For our OnCom Webinar this month, we will have two expert panellists, multi-family & commercial investor Adney Fernandes of A2 Real Investments and multi-family investor Adam Batstone of TwoSevens Capital, who will offer us their boots on the ground tips, tricks, strategies and advice.  The exciting topic for this webinar will be Multi-Family Pros, Benefits & Renovation Strategies. This event can’t be missed as you will learn how to analyze and realize some huge benefits on your next multi-family or commercial property!!

On top of our special guest panelist, we have also added a very experienced real estate lawyer, Ryan Carson of Carson Law to our upcoming webinar!!  Ryan will be discussing his legal tips, tricks and advice on multi-family properties.   We’re going to have yet another jam-packed webinar!!